Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cumberdream No. 1

I'll be writing when I have a dream about the 'Batch here. So i hope you enjoy every word you read about my crazy dreams!

So in the beginning of my dream i'm sitting in the tub. Benny knocks on the door and asks me if i'm still alive. i told him i was and he laughed and then asked me if i wanted to meet some of his friends today. Of course i said yes! 

Later in my dream i got to meet Tom Hiddleston, Chris Pine, and Martin Freeman. They are so nice! We all went for dinner and got a little tipsy. Tom and Benny had a dance-off, seriously the most sexy thing i've ever seen. 

And then i woke up. There was some other things in there but i don't really remember much. Which kind of sucks, but what am i going to do? 

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